onsdag 10. november 2010

Jeg er med i designerteamet til Twisted Sketches

Jeg ble spurt om jeg ville være med i designteamet til Twisted Sketches, og selvfølgelig ville jeg det! Her er mitt første bidrag:

I was asked if I wonted to join the Twisted Sketches designteam, and of course, I wanted to join the team!!! Here is my first designteam - job:

6 kommentarer:

Grethebella sa...

Så flott denne var. Herlig bilde og herlig tittel :)
Klem Grethe

Lalo sa...

soo awesome to see you joining us on twisted sketches...love this LO the colors are fab...PINK what girl dosen't love it!!!

curlyqmosaics sa...

Welcome Twisted Sister! Beautiful layout, very elegantly done!

Nancy sa...

Fantastic job on your first Twisted Sketches Design Team layout! love it!!! Welcome to the Twisted Sisters!!!!

Anonym sa...

welcome to TS. love your LO! :)

Anonym sa...

Welcome to the team Ana - fab layout!! :D