onsdag 23. juli 2014

Sommerkort med kule Hilda

Nå har jeg sett så mange flotte kort
med morsomme og kule Hilda,
at nå måtte jeg bare lage et kort med henne.

Jeg digger bildene av Hilda!

Blir med på disse utfordringene med dette kortet:
 - Crafty Calender Challenge - July's Challenge - Summertime Fun
Dream Valley Challenges - Challenge  86 - Summer
- Creative Card Crew - Challenge 66 - Sea/Beach
- 7 Kids College Fund - Challenge # 104 - Anything Goes
- Crafts 4 eternity - R#185 - Lots Of Laughs
- Crafty Catz - Challenge 240 - Hot summer and/or hot colours
- Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges - Challenge # 15 - Vacation Releted
- Artistic Inspirations - Challenge # 101 - Buttons/Anything Goes
- Crafty Boots Challenge - Summer Holidays
- The Crazy Challenge - CCH# 176 - Die cuts and punch
- The Pink Elephant - TPE260 - Summertime
- Crafty Creations Challenges - #268 - Just For Fun
- Ett Trykk - Trykkpressa Juli - Sommer/Ferie
- North Star Stamps - Sommerutfordring - Alt er lov

Her har jeg brukt Kraft kartong,
og mønsterark fra Authentique,
fra kolleksjonen 'The ventures of dreamland are thine for a day' .
Motivet av Hilda har jeg funnet på Pinterest.

Jeg har brukt en bølge-kantpunch fra EK success 
(punchet ut med mørk blå Bazzill), som er festet under motivet.
I tillegg til strie, bølgepapp, pyntebånd og fiskegarn.

Også pynta med noen fine skjell.

Die-cut'en oppe i venstre hjørne og nederst i høyre hjørne er
fra La LA Land.
En sjøstjerne og livreddningsbøye charms har jeg også brukt her.

Kantene på motivet og panelet under har jeg rufset og revet litt i,
pluss svertet med distress ink.

#-stemplene er fra North Star Stamps,
det jeg har stemplet på har jeg punchet ut
med en punch fra EK success.

Inni har jeg brukt et stempel fra Norsk Stempel Blad.
Her har jeg også rufset og svertet kantene.

Inne hos Papirlosjen har vi en utfordring gående,
nemlig # alt er lov.
Du har fram til 24.august til å delta.

18 kommentarer:

Kathy S sa...

Love the distressing you've done, matches the expression on her face! Wish I knew what the sentiment said. Also love the use of the different materials such as corrugated paper, metal, fencing, etc. Thanks for entering your art at Open-Minded Crafting. We look forward to seeing more from you. Thanks!

NickScrapShack sa...

LOL, this is how I look like when I have to go for a swim! Not wearing that sort of swimsuit though....

This is a fantastic summer Birthday card. Love it! Great textures and it look so cool with the craft cardstock.

Thank you for sharing your talent with us at Crafty Catz this week. Good luck!

MagsB sa...

What a wonderful summer card! I love the fun image, and your gorgeous embellishments! Thanks for joining in at Dream Valley.

love Mags B x

Dee's Craft Room sa...

Amazing card, I love the beach combing theme and the incredible image, the look on Hilda's face!

Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


crafty-stamper sa...

oops not as warm as she thought lol-I love the image and all the fantastic embellishments and texture.Thanks for joining us at Open-Minded Crafting Fun
Carol DT x

Planetsusie sa...

This made me smile so much!! I love the image and you have chosen some amazing embellishments for your creation.

Thank you so much for entering the Crafty Calendar Challenge this month, lots of luck.

Hugs to you Sue Pxxx DT

Jac’s Playground sa...

Fabulous card, love all your wonderful embellishments but most of all LOVE that image, thanks for joining us at Crafty Catz this week, Jac x

michele sa...

Fabulous card! Thanks for joining us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week hugs x

Anonym sa...

What a fantastic fun card just look at the expression on her face. thank you for joining us over at Open Minded Crafting Fun, Good Luck and we hope to see you again soon. Alison DT x

Wendy Nicola Jackson sa...

That is SUCH a brilliant card. Love the fun image and your beautiful card design. The distressed edges look great and your clever embellishments like the chicken wire die, the shells, the lifesaver charm and those cute sentiments are brilliant. I did my best to work out the sentiments, which I thought might have been Danish, but Google tells me it's Norwegian, love that! Sounds like they are fun happy sentiments and the card sure is! Thanks so much for joining in our Dream Valley 'Summer' challenge. We look forward to seeing more of your gorgeous makes. Good luck in the challenge. Hugs, Wends x Dream Valley DT

Dwie lewe rączki sa...

Great card! I can feel a summer sun :) Love, love, love your image. Thanks for joining us at Creative Card Crew. Hope to see your work again.
Hugs, Yvonne

Unknown sa...

This is fantastic! I LOVE that image! Great elements too.. the netting, the burlap! Love the wire cut! Love all the texture! Just fantastic! And the two metal pieces.. wonderful!! Absolutely stunning! Thanks so much for playing along with us at Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges!!! Good Luck! I hope we see you again!!

- Susan, Co-Owner @ Open-Minded Crafting Fun Challenges
{Scrap A Thousand Words}

Emily Thubbron sa...

OMG...I love this image. Great coloring. Thank you for sharing with us at Open Minded Crafting Fun for our Vacation Challenge.

Emily T.
DT Member

Hazel (Didos) sa...

Ah this is great, Thanks for playing on Crafty Creations Challenge this fortnight, Love Hazel (Didos)x

Camilla sa...

Hehe, så herlig! Virkelig morsomt motiv og så masse fine sommerdetaljer. Takk for at du deltar i Trykkpressa i juli:)

Unknown sa...

Fabulous card, loving the gorgeous colouring. You can just imagine how cold that water is by the look in her face. Thanks for joining us for our Vacation Challenge #15 over at Open Minded Crafting Fun and Good Luck! xx

Crafting Vicky sa...

That is such a great card!!!! just adore the image and all the fabulous details you have used!

Thanks for joining our fortnightly challenge here at Open Minded Crafting Fun Challenge. Hope you will join us next time co-owner Crafting Vicky.

Heidi sa...

Så herlig sommerkort! Og de #-tekstene er bare så herlige - og Hilda så klart! :-) Takk for at du er med i sommerutfordringen hos North Star Stamps!