mandag 24. november 2014

Clean & Simple julekort

Jeg har fått en ny dies -
- av en vakker engel - er den ikke flott?
Det var vanskelig å kombinere 
engelen med masse annen pynt,
så da ble det et Clean& Simple kort.
Og det lager ikke jeg så mye av akkurat...

Deltar på disse utfordringene:
- Cute Card Thursday - Challenge 348 - Stars
 - Artistiv Inspirations - Challenge # 119 - Anything Goes/Warm and Cozy
- Allsorts Challenge Blog - Week 286 - No Design Papers Allowed
- Crafting When We Can - Challenge 83 - Clean and Simple
- Whoopsi Daisy Challenge - Anything Goes
- Through The Purple Haze - Challenge # 69 - Anything Goes

Kortet er 6x6 inch.
Og jeg har brukt hvit bling og gull Bazzill.

'God Jul' er en die-cut fra KaBoks.

Julestjerna er en die-cut fra Memory Box.

Engelen er en die-cut fra Creative Expressions,
kjøpt på eBay.

11 kommentarer:

  1. Beautiful card, so graceful and stylish. Thank you for sharing your work with all of us at Crafty Boots Challenges.


  2. Stunning Christmas Card, so elegant. Thanks for joining our anything Goes challenge at Whoopsi Daisy and good luck in the draw. Jennifer (DT member) xx

  3. Gorgeous card thanks for joining us at TTPH..Sue DT xx

  4. Love the elegance of the white and gold with such a striking image. Thanks for joining in at Crafty Boots Challenges this time.

  5. Your card is very elegant and stylish.

    Thanks so much for sharing your lovely with with us at Allsorts this week.

    I have some candy here and you are very welcome to enter.

    B x

  6. Your card is just stunning! Such a beautiful Angel. Thank you for joining us this week at Crafty Boots Challenges.

  7. Beautiful Angel!!! Love colours . Thanks for joining us at Artistic Inspirations!!! I hope you get to join us again for our next challenge. Agnieszka DT

  8. wow absolutely stunning I love it

    Jacqui DT

  9. Such a beautiful card. Thank you for joining us at Allsorts this week x

  10. I love your cutting die. Thanks for sharing your work with us at Artistic Inspirations.

    Maja DT
